DS Watkins + Todd Ralston

Oil & Cold Wax Paintings | Carved & Polished Stone

July 5 - July 28, 2024

Artist Reception - Friday, July 5, 4 - 6pm

DS Watkins

Art and words have enchanted me for as long as I can remember.

As I am painting with oil and cold wax,
or applying hot encaustic wax-
or as I add collage-
And write poetry-
or make exquisite letters with calligraphy,
and perhaps assemble it into a book form -
I am forever exploring the fascinating facets
of art|mark making.
In doing so, I found the ultimate path to imbue my art with my voice.

Todd Ralston 

I think my love of rocks began because I grew up near the Columbia River. I’ve always had a fascination with the rocks- the way they change colors while wet, all the variations and shapes. Now, every time I cut into a rock and start giving it shape, it is amazing to see the depth and beauty each rock holds. 

To learn more about each artist, visit each of their pages below.