Scott Allen

Scott Allen was born October 1953 in Wenatchee, Washington.  His mother Frances was an artist and his father Kenneth a piano player. The family home was filled with art, books and music which helped form the foundation of Scott's creative life. Outside, Scott was drawn to the beauty of his surroundings -- the colors and textures of the orchards, hills and valleys, the dry open landscapes and the long vistas, all of which continue to find expression in Scott's art. 

Scott attended the local community college and found strong art teachers that gave him a grounding in composition, proportion, media, and value.  Between gaps in school Scott pursued building design, woodworking and construction, which gave him an appreciation for craft and workmanship.  

Choosing architecture as a career path, Scott attended the University of Washington and the University of Pennsylvania.  After completing his first architectural project in New York City, Scott returned to Washington in 1984, settled on Bainbridge Island and practiced architecture in Seattle and Bainbridge Island until 2021.   

Scott's passion for artistic expression accelerated in the mid 1990's, inspired by the enthusiasm his daughters Katie and Claire were showing for art.  He first explored soft pastels as a medium and now works primarily with oil paint.  His subject matter often evokes the eastern Washington landscapes he remembers from his youth.  In addition, he creates work that embodies the much different landscapes of the Salish Sea area and has recently been creating art that explores more abstract ideas about space, object, light and color. 

Scott's work has been the subject of several group and solo exhibitions.  He is widely collected, and his work has been exhibited at the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art as part of the Cynthia Sears collection.  He continues to work from his studio on Bainbridge Island.