Tricia Harding

My art practice is influenced by the textures, shapes, and colors found in the environment, in textiles and artifacts, I begin by observing on walks, whether in an urban or natural location. in museums and in books. Once in the studio, I re-imagine these observations into a works of art that can be observed by others. I am drawn to creating small and intimate works, most often abstract and influenced by geometric shapes and patterns.

I like to call myself a “Paper Engineer” and dabble in making paper, printing on papers, folding, cutting and tearing paper and collecting beautiful handmade paper wherever I travel. I am a master with all different varieties of adhesive and love my medical scalpel to cut papers and my Teflon bone folder to smooth papers to their support structures.  I am also fascinated with building structures whether handmade books, boxes or sculptural pieces from local woods.